Calibration of reference materials

OMT Solutions offers calibration services for optical components. Our reference mirrors for the solar wavelength range (250-2500 nm) and the infrared range (range 2.5µm – 50 µm) are worldwide used by different R&D companies and institutes.

Calibrated front surface mirror for emissivity measurements

We deliver IR calibration sets consisting of calibrated front surface mirrors for the Infrared range. These are mainly used for determining emissivity of glass coatings.

The front surface mirrors are bare gold coated mirrors of size 50 mm x 50 mm with approximate thickness of 5 mm.
The mirrors are calibrated at 10 degrees incidence in the thermal IR wave number range 4000 cm-1 – 200 cm-1 and 1 cm-1 intervals against a certified reference mirror to guarantee traceability to international standards.
Please click here for an example of a calibration report

Calibrated second surface mirror for solar wavelength range

We deliver second surface mirrors with calibration in the UV/Vis/NIR range 250nm – 2500 nm at near-normal angle of incidence (other angles are also possible)


  • Spectral reflectance for S and P polarised radiation at the calibrated angle of incidence
  • Spectra of the standard uncertainty in the measured reflectance
  • Report with a detailed description of the calibration procedure and uncertainty analysis (see example)

If you have any other request please feel free to contact us

VW - VW Reflectance for mirror calibration

Directional VW Reflectance Set For the most accurate reflectance calibration of high reflectance materials   • Measurement of the ...

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IV - IV Reflectance for laser mirrors

Directional Absolute Reflectance IV Set The IV method is intended for flat specular samples having reflectance values > 25%, like reflectan...

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DA - Double Aperture set for Spectrophotometers

Double Aperture Calibration Accessory Application: Calibration of the ordinate scale of the Lambda 850 / Lambda 1050 system Calibration of ...

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